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Cloud Dough

One of the few things that will entertain my 4 year old, for more than 30 minutes, in Cloud Dough! This stuff is an awesome alternative to the smelly, messy, basically gross play do that all kids love. Now, I'm not saying it won't get messy, but you won't find hard, ouchie pieces in the carpet the next day. Also, it won't stain their clothes and is soooooo easy to clean up!

It's only three, simple, ingredients: cornstarch, cheap hair conditioner (the cheaper, the better!), and water! That's it! There's not really any measuring needed either! It's all decided by how much you want to make. I'll give you rough measurements to get you started but they are in no way the only amounts you could use.

I'll tell you how to make enough to keep a 4 year happy for an hour. :)

You'll need:

1 1/2 cups hair conditioner

about 2 cups cornstarch

2 tsp water

a large mixing bowl

no fear of getting your hands dirty!

*optional add ins for extra fun!

*food colouring

*essential oils

(peppermint makes it feel cold, like snow!)


Start with your conditioner then,

add in the cornstarch and mix with your hands until it get crumbly.

Start adding warm water and mixing/ patting

the dough until it forms into a ball and isn't sticky.

All done! Store it in a container with a little water. You will have to add more water and re-mix it before using again. Don't add to much water or it will get sticky and not soft like a "cloud."


My son absolutely loves this stuff. I can finally get the dishes done

without feeling bad about sticking him in front of the tv.

Cloud dough saves the day! Yay!


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