Welcome back! We've been away from the internet for a while but
we've found the library and will be updating again! Woohoo!
Keep checking back for more pictures, stories, and videos!
The Rabbit Patch is no longer at The Village Hearth... sad? Yes, a little bit. We miss the shop and the ladies and the bathtub and the kitchen. We don't, however, miss the drama. While all the homeless guys are wonderful people, their lifestyle and choices are bringers of drama. It was a little intense for a few weeks there. We didn't know where we were going to be moving to or if we were even going to be staying in Covelo! Thankfully, a wonderful couple had need of a family to help them clean up their home. They have a lot of cleaning to do, a lot. Like, a lot. They hope to one day adopt a child (or more) so they must get it sparkly clean! That's our job, we clean it up. It's slow going but I feel it's a good place for us to be. They are so kind to us and LOVE the kids! They drove the littles and I down to Willits last week when they needed to go shopping (there's a Safeway there with MUCH better prices) and bought all sorts of things for us. We went out for pizza and dollar store toys, got a few costumes, and were spoiled rotten at the grocery store! L and J are almost a decade younger than us and feel like our younger siblings. We are hopeful this will be our permanent place, at least, for a while. :)
In other news, we have been adopted by a dog. He was running around Covelo, homeless, (his owner went to jail), flee ridden, and very skinny. The little guy would come by The Village Hearth every day, sometimes 6 or 7 times, to get food, water, and loves. When we learned we needed to relocate, I promised The Dude (that's the name he came with) he could join our family. We gave him a few flee baths and loaded him up. :)
We spent a night at Black Butte River Ranch Rv Park, (to dump our tank and have some nice hot showers!) with a nice little walk down to the river. The Dude rode down in my backpack. :) The water was warm and clear and the little fish tickled our toes if we sat still on the rocks. It's a beautiful place.
The next day, we drove back into town and parked Molly in the L and J's backyard. We are hooked up to electricity and have water from the well house but, no internet, yet. We stay there for free as long as we help clean up. It's like a small, two family commune. We all take care of each other.
The Dude has made friends with most the other dogs there, ( 4 dogs randomly decided to move in the day we did. They belong to the neighbor behind us but he doesn't really want them and doesn't take steps to get them back. They all have flees... grr... and 2 of them are puppies who chew up our shoes.... double grr....) They only time he has issues with anyone is if he's near me and they want attention as well. He's very protective of me and fiercely loyal. Even having been a street dog for so long, he has no desire to leave us and doesn't need a leash. The Dude snuggles under the blankets all night and loves his morning crunchies. :) I call him Mister Dude MacGue. I loves him. <3
In even more exciting news, we bought a car! She's a little Ford Aspire named Luna. She's been painted with black chalkboard paint and has glow in the dark flowers on one side. Luna is perfect for us. The best part is, we bought her ourselves! James worked his tookus off and earned enough to buy her. It feels good to do for ourselves.
Well, that's about it. We're working and loving and playing and it's great!
Next update next week!
Gallery of what we've been up to: