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Blogging in Hippy Heaven

We have driven many miles, had many hardships, had many smiles,

seen beautiful places, and finally found home.

A Home Song

Henry Van Dyke

"I read within a poet's book A word that starred the page: "Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage!" Yes, that is true; and something more You'll find, where'er you roam, That marble floors and gilded walls Can never make a home. But every house where Love abides, And Friendship is a guest, Is surely home, and home-sweet-home: For there the heart can rest."

After driving up the coast on the PCH, we made our way to an RV park in Monterey Bay, called Marina Dunes RV Park. It was only a short, (long) walk, (hike) over a little, (steep) dune to the beach. The water was cold but so needed. James took Roran out into the short waves to tempt Poseidon, while Alice had a blast climbing and running down the dunes. (Roran later joined her and was rewarded with swim trunks full of sandy places.) It was beautiful and grey and kinda chilly but we had a great time! The hike back to the RV park was less enjoyable. It's a steep climb to get back to the path from the beach and the sand is really soft, making it hard to walk up hill. James, the Hulk, ended up carrying both of the kids for most of it. Thank goodness we're at sea level! My asthma would never have let me make it back otherwise! The hot showers at the park were very welcome after the sandy saltwater, as was the a/c.

The park was quiet and peaceful, save for the crows, who seemed to have an opinion about everything, (in a friendly manner though.) Surprisingly, we didn't see too many seagulls in Monterey. I had hoped to show the kids how they'll take bread right out of your hands. Perhaps another day.

In the morning, Molly was ready to go, and so were we. We were going to see San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge! We hopped on Hwy 101 and waited to see the skyline of my Mom's home town. I was able to talk to my Mom while driving down 19th St. It was like having one of those electronic tour guides they hand out in museums. I told her the street we were crossing and she would tell me about the street, the businesses that used to be there and what the names of the other streets. I hope to someday bring my mom back to San Francisco. Her heart will always be there.

After San Francisco, we all wanted to hit the beach one more time so we looked on the map and found Stinson State Beach Park. It is B-E-A-U-tiful! Click here to view our Travel Photo Gallery! James and I had so much fun in the crashing waves, while the children played in the shallows and built retainer walls around themselves. We even saw seals! If I could retire anywhere in the US, that would be my choice. I could see James and I there, rocking on a porch, reading Harry Potter (. :D (BTW, we are HUGE Harry Potter fans! We named our bus "Molly" after Molly Weasley because, like the character, our bus is a tough old broad! I'm reading the series to our kids every night at bedtime. We are almost done with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. We've been sorted on Pottermore as a Hufflepuff - myself, and a Gryffindor - James.) (*side note: I spelled Weasley wrong as I was typing. My autocorrect fixed it! LOL! Apparently my computer is a fan as well!)

With the fun of the beach and sun behind us, we went in search of a place to stay the night. We drove for a while up the PCH , ending in Bodega Bay at the Bodega Bay RV Park. This was one of the nicest parks we've stayed in. They were very welcoming, the bathrooms were spotless, the showers were warm, they have a later checkout time of 1 o'clock, and they even have a games area for visitors. I highly recommend staying there if you're in the area! (See their website here!)

While staying in Bodega Bay, my Dad told me about a friend of his in Covelo, CA. He said he had spoken to him and they would love to have us there! We, quickly, painted Molly some more and drove to Santa Rosa to do laundry before making our way there. (Unfortunately, the Wash World , in Santa Rosa, does not have working internet so I couldn't write an update while we were there. :( However, their washers and dryers are excellent! ) It was a short drive up Hwy 101 to a Rest Area we were able to sleep at till morning before diving up the gorgeous, winding road to Covelo. (Images in our Travel Photo Gallery!)

So, now, we have arrived in our own personal slice of heaven/ summerland. It is beautiful here, both in land and people. We have never felt so quickly accepted, loved, or appreciated. Everyone in town says we have to stay, if for no other reason than James' knowledge of plumbing and my cooking skills. :) We've been down to the river pools, which are amazing, and the water is WARM! I have never been in a warm river before and it's wonderful. Alice wants to go back everyday. I wouldn't be surprised if we do, once we save up to get a little car. (We'd like to let Molly rest for a little while.) I have been making breakfast for the vagabonds who stay here. It is so nice and rewarding to make food for those who do not expect even a smile. Roran called one of the "Uncle Bob" and follows him everywhere while he's here. We are staying in the back of The Village Hearth store, near the garden. The store is wonderful. They have herbs, clothes, jewelry, locally made foods, and soon a tea bar with sandwiches. We fit here and it fits us. We are so thankful to John and Melissa, Loraine, Bob, and Eric for all their love and support!

This is not the end of our adventures! Keep reading our blog for updates about homeschooling, gardening, The Village Hearth, Bunny and the Beast Photography, and from the children!

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