The weather is changing, getting warmer, and more and more rainy.
As the clouds move in, yet again, I am so grateful for our greenhouse. Our mescalin salad seeds are growing beautifully and we should be serving fresh salads any day now. I've started saving all of our coffee and tea leftovers to add to the "compost tea." The garden seems to appreciate it.
While we love watching the sun
peek through the window and help our plants grow, we always make sure to give them a little extra boost
with our "Garden Monsters and Guardians." The children spend a whole day choosing the perfect rocks as protectors, then we spend the next day painting them. Alice and Roran do a great job adding lots of color to the rocks and I add the faces! Now we know for sure our plants will grow strong and delicious!
~What fun things do you do with the kids for the garden?~
The children believe, firmly, that it was because of the
Garden Monsters and Guardians, that our plants have grown
so quickly in the last few days. I'm sure they helped. :)
The peas have, quite suddenly, taken off. We had a small, tiny, ant problem for a few days, but Miss Henny Penny took care of it for us. <3 Now they are flourishing! I'm keeping my fingers crossed we have an early bunch of sweet peas. (Not that they will make it to the house... I have a slight problem... I can't help but eat the peas right off the vine! They're soooo yummy!)
Our peppers are almost ready to find their place in the ground!
Hopefully, we'll have a huge harvest this year!
I have to admit it: my onion seeds never sprouted. :'( We ended up buying a bunch of red onion starters. They transplanted nicely and are already showing new growth.
The radishes couldn't be any happier! I'm really looking forward to some radish greens in our first garden salad this spring!
Has anyone else noticed mescalin mix seems to grow
so much easier and quicker than any other salad greens?
We should have enough for a family salad in another week!
I HAD to buy some lavender, rosemary and thyme for an herb garden!
I HAD TO! They smell so good together and
make the greenhouse smell like my grandma's!
Plus, they're beautiful! I planted them in a large container
so they can come inside on the colder nights.
Do you love tomato plants as much as I do?
I don't really care to eat a lot of tomatoes, but I LOVE the plants!
They grow fast, have lots of pretty fruit, and smell amazing!
These little ones will be planted in their rows next weekend!
I was also unfortunate to not have many of my Brussels sprouts, come up. I bought some healthy starts of those as well and am very happy with how well they are taking to the soil. :)
A well known truth about me: I absolutely adore lilac bushes.
I prune the flowers just before they start to wilt to make lilac water perfume for the summer.
*There will be a whole post
about that this coming week!
#chickens #children #creative #delicious #dinner #food #husband #kids #lunch #new #organic #projects #rain #son #sun #tasty #updates #weather #yummy #plants #growing #radishes #brusselsprouts #salad #lettuce #mescalin #peas #sweet #greenhouse #lavender #rosemary #thyme #red #onions #ants #rocks #monster #guardian