1.) Wild Kratts is awesome!
(According to my 3 year old son.)
2. Harry Potter books are awesomer!
(Also according to my son.)
While I usually work in the kinder enrichment programm, at my daughter's school, during the week, I was sick the this morning and was lucky enough to spend the day hanging out with my son. He wanted to snuggle all morning, which sounded great to me! So, a big cup of tea, a warm blanket, and the Wild Kratts started our day off.
Around 10 am James went to the school to do massages on all the teachers, (a nice little bonus from the principal, Mr. Ebel, before spring break next week), and Roran decided it was time to let the chickens out. So, we went outside in our jammies and said good morning to all the chickies and the bunnies. Momma Henny Penny made sure we gave her lots of loves before letting us get her recently laid egg and Lady Clara bounded after Chuggs for a while before settling into a nice cool spot in the shade.
We watered the garden in the green house while the neighbors behind us bickered about something. Roran jumped with excitment at the growth of the peas and asked to make mud puddles. So far, it was a nice, quiet morning on the urban homestead.
Around 1:30 I started feeling much better so we brought our water color supplies out on the drive way to make some new creations. Roran thought it was horrible and hilarious that our driveway is now rainbow colored! :) I reminded him it will all wash away when the rain come but, the laughter continued. He even told me James would be mad about it! Silly boy!
When the wind picked up when cleaned our mess and headed inside. I was surprised by a wonderful request to read "the Potter book!" I usually only read a little of it during bath time, and only if they are really willing to listen, so for Roran to actually ask for it was new. Apparently, he "loves it so much" and needed to "hear the rest" be fore he passed out, snuggled up with me on the couch.
So, here I am, waiting for James and Alice to come home. (Oooo! And James is picking up my new glasses! Woohoo!)
Find peace within,